Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Long Time in Coming

I'm not certain what prompted this latest lunacy, but, for whatever reason, I've decided that it's my turn to start (and then subsequently abandon) a web log (there you go, Aiden). I've often toyed with the idea in the past, since I do enjoy rambling at length, but I was never inclined to go to the trouble of setting one up. Curse the internet for making the process so easy that a child could do it.

In any case, given the spur of the moment nature of this blog's (sorry Aiden) inception, I've not really decided what it is I want to accomplish here. I suspect that I'll just rant as I see fit and let it grow organically from there. I would begin with a promise to update regularly, but such promises are hollow and often broken, so I'll just see where things go. That being said, I suspect that, given the fact that I've wanted an outlet such as this for some time, I'll post often and at length. Now that that's out of the way, let's get started in earnest.


Blogger Jordan said...

Just testing out how obnoxious the posting process is. I was intent on removing as many hoops as possible, but 4 immediate spam posts convinced me otherwise.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 3:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Har har, sucker. Updating is easy during the first year, incidentally.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:15:00 PM  

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