Insert Wii Pun
I want a Wii. I have money. These two things have been true for over a year, which is why I find it find inexplicable that, up until this week, I still hadn't been able to preorder one. I had been trying to give some lucky retailer my money for several months now, and there were no takers. It's as if the disastrous 360 launch scared North American retailers, collectively, out of taking console preorders, and now I'm being punished for it. Instead of preordering months in advance as I usually do and being rewarded for my caution and foresight, I'm being forced to wait and fight over preorders with the rest of the unwashed masses, and I'm increasingly worried that this launch is going to be a bloodbath.
Now, for the PS3, a bit of caution is understandable-- it's becoming increasingly clear with each passing day that Sony simply isn't ready for this launch, and the whole thing is starting to take on a decidedly spectral quality (like some kind of Phantom, if you will), with none of the demonstrations and details that a person would reasonably expect this close to the street date. However, the Wii launch shows every sign of being on schedule, and I simply don't understand this reluctance on the part of retailers to take my money, especially when those same retailers have, in the past, been perfectly willing to hold onto my software preorder money for years at a time. In fact, EB still has the $5 I gave them three years ago for Phantasy Star Trilogy, a game that, even then, I doubted would ever see the light of day, for reasons too complex to detail here. I can't recall ever previously needing to wait until so near a console launch to preorder it, and working without my usual safety net is making me very nervous.
I really feel like this launch is going to be more hectic than everyone seems to think-- I'm getting a definite Tickle-Me Elmo vibe here. People have been lulled by reports of Nintendo's large initial production run, but really, we're only looking at three or four times the number of available launch PS3s here, and I fully expect the difference in demand to balance out that difference in availability (although recent reports of even larger than expected production quantities have given me some pause in this regard), making the Wii just as scarce come launch day. There's certainly evidence to support this: Amazon opened preorders briefly a week or two ago, and they had to close them in less than an hour after the word got out and the volume far exceeded their expectations. So, what's a man who wants a Wii to do? Scan the internet like a hawk, that's what. Ever since EB announced that they might not be taking any preorders at all, I've been constantly refreshing video game blogs, retail websites, and forum threads in order to make certain that I could snap up an early Wii preorder slot once they became available (at someplace other than Toys R Us, who were taking preorders before the price was even announced and who I suspect have sold way over their launch day allotment).
Earlier this week, on Tuesday afternoon, that diligence paid off, when I got a hot tip that Rogers Video was taking Wii preorders, and that virtually noone had heard about it yet. I checked the website, and, sure enough, there they were. However, an order from the website only guaranteed shipping on or after launch day (as opposed to delivery), so, I left work a bit early, and less than an hour later I arrived at the Rogers on Prospect to see what I could find out. The clerk was, as I expected, largely clueless, but he had at least heard of the Wii. After checking his computer, he gave me the unwelcome news that I had to order it online and couldn't order it in-store at all, which made me rather unhappy, because that would cost me an extra $20 shipping and had zero chance of getting one in my hands on launch day, since mail doesn't get delivered on Sunday.
Now, I had other errands to run that night, so I decided that I'd give the matter some thought and then possibly preorder one from the website when I got home. However, by the time I finished my errands and checked the website (roughly four hours after I'd first heard about it), they were sold out. This, despite the fact that word never really got out on the internet (and still hasn't, even after the fact). So, the decision had been taken out of my hands, and I was splitting my time evenly between panicking and kicking myself over not grabbing one when I had the chance.
However, when I got to work the next morning, I checked the site on a whim, and, lo and behold, they were available again. I waffled again for all of five minutes, and then preordered one. This preorder was cold comfort though, because when I checked immediately after my order went through, they were sold out again, and I was afraid I might not be slated for one from the launch day shipment, and that I had just almost limped in because of some cancellations. My worries were allayed later that day, though, when Craig was able to preorder a Wii from them as well, as they had apparently reopened preorders for a while. The situation is hardly ideal, as I won't get one on launch day, and I'll have to pay shipping and handling, but at least I know that I have a near-launch Wii, and that it's not bundled with anything else. Besides, I can always cancel if I manage to secure a more appealing preorder somewhere else.
Since I'm now at least confident that I'd be able to get my hands on one in the first few days after launch, I've gone ahead and given EB my massive preorder list, consisting of extra games (four others besides the pack-in) and controllers (two base units, two attachments, and one classic controller) and whatnot. This will likely make me extremely bitter if I sit on all of those games and accessories for a week without a system to play them on, but I'll live. That being said, the fanboy in me wants to cancel my preorder with Rogers and camp outside an EB. I'm trying to keep that inner fanboy distracted though, with things like this. It's a flash version of the Mii Channel constructed using assets shown in various official demonstrations. So, what's everyone think of my Mii?

I'll close with the list of discarded post titles that led me to go with my final title. Your level of groan-age may vary:
"Wii for Mii"
"Pwii-order Pwoblems"
"Wii-tail Woes"
"Wii Envy"
"Woe is Mii"
"No EB for Mii"
"No Wii at E-Bii"
"A Hectic Wii-k"
"Next Stop: ii-Bay"
"Good Wii-sale Value"
Now, for the PS3, a bit of caution is understandable-- it's becoming increasingly clear with each passing day that Sony simply isn't ready for this launch, and the whole thing is starting to take on a decidedly spectral quality (like some kind of Phantom, if you will), with none of the demonstrations and details that a person would reasonably expect this close to the street date. However, the Wii launch shows every sign of being on schedule, and I simply don't understand this reluctance on the part of retailers to take my money, especially when those same retailers have, in the past, been perfectly willing to hold onto my software preorder money for years at a time. In fact, EB still has the $5 I gave them three years ago for Phantasy Star Trilogy, a game that, even then, I doubted would ever see the light of day, for reasons too complex to detail here. I can't recall ever previously needing to wait until so near a console launch to preorder it, and working without my usual safety net is making me very nervous.
I really feel like this launch is going to be more hectic than everyone seems to think-- I'm getting a definite Tickle-Me Elmo vibe here. People have been lulled by reports of Nintendo's large initial production run, but really, we're only looking at three or four times the number of available launch PS3s here, and I fully expect the difference in demand to balance out that difference in availability (although recent reports of even larger than expected production quantities have given me some pause in this regard), making the Wii just as scarce come launch day. There's certainly evidence to support this: Amazon opened preorders briefly a week or two ago, and they had to close them in less than an hour after the word got out and the volume far exceeded their expectations. So, what's a man who wants a Wii to do? Scan the internet like a hawk, that's what. Ever since EB announced that they might not be taking any preorders at all, I've been constantly refreshing video game blogs, retail websites, and forum threads in order to make certain that I could snap up an early Wii preorder slot once they became available (at someplace other than Toys R Us, who were taking preorders before the price was even announced and who I suspect have sold way over their launch day allotment).
Earlier this week, on Tuesday afternoon, that diligence paid off, when I got a hot tip that Rogers Video was taking Wii preorders, and that virtually noone had heard about it yet. I checked the website, and, sure enough, there they were. However, an order from the website only guaranteed shipping on or after launch day (as opposed to delivery), so, I left work a bit early, and less than an hour later I arrived at the Rogers on Prospect to see what I could find out. The clerk was, as I expected, largely clueless, but he had at least heard of the Wii. After checking his computer, he gave me the unwelcome news that I had to order it online and couldn't order it in-store at all, which made me rather unhappy, because that would cost me an extra $20 shipping and had zero chance of getting one in my hands on launch day, since mail doesn't get delivered on Sunday.
Now, I had other errands to run that night, so I decided that I'd give the matter some thought and then possibly preorder one from the website when I got home. However, by the time I finished my errands and checked the website (roughly four hours after I'd first heard about it), they were sold out. This, despite the fact that word never really got out on the internet (and still hasn't, even after the fact). So, the decision had been taken out of my hands, and I was splitting my time evenly between panicking and kicking myself over not grabbing one when I had the chance.
However, when I got to work the next morning, I checked the site on a whim, and, lo and behold, they were available again. I waffled again for all of five minutes, and then preordered one. This preorder was cold comfort though, because when I checked immediately after my order went through, they were sold out again, and I was afraid I might not be slated for one from the launch day shipment, and that I had just almost limped in because of some cancellations. My worries were allayed later that day, though, when Craig was able to preorder a Wii from them as well, as they had apparently reopened preorders for a while. The situation is hardly ideal, as I won't get one on launch day, and I'll have to pay shipping and handling, but at least I know that I have a near-launch Wii, and that it's not bundled with anything else. Besides, I can always cancel if I manage to secure a more appealing preorder somewhere else.
Since I'm now at least confident that I'd be able to get my hands on one in the first few days after launch, I've gone ahead and given EB my massive preorder list, consisting of extra games (four others besides the pack-in) and controllers (two base units, two attachments, and one classic controller) and whatnot. This will likely make me extremely bitter if I sit on all of those games and accessories for a week without a system to play them on, but I'll live. That being said, the fanboy in me wants to cancel my preorder with Rogers and camp outside an EB. I'm trying to keep that inner fanboy distracted though, with things like this. It's a flash version of the Mii Channel constructed using assets shown in various official demonstrations. So, what's everyone think of my Mii?

I'll close with the list of discarded post titles that led me to go with my final title. Your level of groan-age may vary:
"Wii for Mii"
"Pwii-order Pwoblems"
"Wii-tail Woes"
"Wii Envy"
"Woe is Mii"
"No EB for Mii"
"No Wii at E-Bii"
"A Hectic Wii-k"
"Next Stop: ii-Bay"
"Good Wii-sale Value"
"Wii-tail Woes" Is my favorite one.
I'm a little disgusted that you referred to other EB customers as "unwashed masses"... I don't know what your problem is...
It strikes me that anyone who is going to such lengths to acquire a video game system on the first day it's available is the sort of person who is stereotypically unwashed to begin with.
Couldn't you just preorder one on amazon and pay more for express shipping so you could have it in a day? That way you won't have to speak to anyone at all... in fact you could do the majority of that from within a hermetically sealed bubble!
I'm a little disgusted that you referred to other EB customers as "unwashed masses"... I don't know what your problem is...
*sighs* What I am saying, and what I thought I was pretty clear in saying, is not that other EB customers are unwashed masses, but rather that I usually stay on top of these things and preorder months before the general public bothers to, and these are the unwashed masses I am referring to-- those who aren't appropriately cautious and don't see the need to preorder until much later.
It strikes me that anyone who is going to such lengths to acquire a video game system on the first day it's available is the sort of person who is stereotypically unwashed to begin with.
Uh huh. Fuck you too.
Couldn't you just preorder one on amazon and pay more for express shipping so you could have it in a day?
So, do you even read my posts before replying? Actually, don't answer that-- you've proven time and again that you don't. Had you, you'd have read that Amazon had to close their preorders after having them available for less than an hour, and may not be re-opening them. And even if they do, they'll likely have to close them again just as quickly.
I read until the point where I feel I can't read further without interjecting.
That might explain a lot.
That might explain a lot.
Also, I don't recall your hair ever looking like that... and I have a hard time imagining it
Yeah, I was kind of limited when it came to the hair. There were only a few vanilla styles, and none of them quite seemed to fit. That being said, I did used to part my hair in that fashion all of the time-- just not in recent years.
I'm a little disgusted that you referred to other EB customers as "unwashed masses"... I don't know what your problem is...
Lighten up. For future reference:
Tongue -in-cheek.
Since you disagree with apparently everything Jordan writes, why do you even read his blog? You must enjoy being pissed off.
We've been over all of this Craig, since you DO read the blog also I'd have thought that you would be all caught up.
Also, did you know that I can read whatever I want on the internet?
It's true.
Did you also know that I'm allowed to disagree with people?
That's also true.
Also, did you know that I can read whatever I want on the internet?
I don't believe anyone disputed that, but that wouldn't be the first time you've read something into a post that simply wasn't there.
No, I was simply putting words in your mouth. Jesus christ, I can't believe someone who isn't even JORDAN gets uppity when I mildly annoy jordan. It's not like I'm calling him a fucking huge loser or something. I'm no where NEAR as virulent as I used to be.
I'm sure there are better ways to spend your time than dramatising over the quality of my comments on a blog that isn't even yours.
I can't believe someone who isn't even JORDAN gets uppity when I mildly annoy jordan... I'm sure there are better ways to spend your time than dramatising over the quality of my comments on a blog that isn't even yours.
It seems to me that there was a time (a long time), not all that long ago, when I couldn't post ANY comments on Nathan's blog without you jumping down my throat on his supposed behalf, so I fail to see how you can be so critical when someone else does the same, much less often in a much more civil and non-confrontational manner.
Sigh... fine... jesus flame wars.
It's one thing to actually evaluate what I say (which is what Jordan does), it's entirely another to say I shouldn't bother saying it. I don't particularly care what Craig says, especially after that holocaust bullshit back in the abortion argument (I've never seen such a flagrant, ignorant, and ridiculous use of one of humanities most tragic failings). It's another thing to take what someone says on a fucking comment board so incredibly seriously.
Hey craig, I know what tongue in cheek means. Do you think that every comment I make is made with absolute seriousness? Do you think I sit here and calculate what I can say to sound as angry as possible at Jordan?
That makes a lot of sense, given that it's obvious that I don't often make it the whole way through without hopping on here to say something that I easily could have gleened from the post if I hadn't been so eager to push a button.
I'm not a sworn enemy here. I'm just an annoyance... and an annoyance out of habit basically. I apologised to Jordan for giving him grief but I won't apologise for the simple comment I made here. I won't apologise for disliking craig either.
Heaven forbid there comes a day when other people read your blog and say things that are disagreed with. Heaven forbid people read blogs! How dare they post comments! They must be inhuman monsters!
So, in closing, fuck you craig. And Jordan, I already said that I didn't read the whole post. And I apologised to you for being brutally cruel before. This isn't brutally cruel. You know it isn't... and I'd like for you to just once note how asinine some of the comments you made on the old SP were. Spelling corrections (amongst other things) for fucks sake. It happened more than than once and you know it.
I'm sorry I'm not the patron saint of blog comments you guys... I'll have to go to internet school and learn how to be as cordial as you two are.
Sigh... fine... jesus flame wars.
I agree. I'd love to not have an argument every other blog post. I'd love for all of the quiet normal people to not be scared away by the yelling and cursing. Feel free to work towards that end with me. Given that all of the arguments involve you, your active participation in such an effort would go a long way. I could plead with you to leave and not come back, but I don't feel like repeating myself. I don't have a blog because I want to argue. I simply want a place to distribute my thoughts and experiences regularly to my friends, who are the intended audience for this page, and many of whom haved moved away and who I don't speak to regularly. I realize that it is on the internet, and therefore open to other people-- I'm simply stating my intent. I want a place that my friends, current and former, can check at their leisure, from whatever corner of the globe they happen to be at the time, and see what's new with me. If I could do that without submitting myself to all of the other scum and villiany that a webpage entails, I would, but I don't want to make those people get accounts and passwords. I could simply disable commenting altogether, but I'd also like to hear from those same friends, especially if I don't see them much otherwise. I'd even ideally distribute this address to family, but I can't, and the main reason is you. I don't want my family to see me participating in the kind of childish (and yet at the same kind vulgar) name-calling that seems to follow you where-ever you go. I want a nice, sanitary place for dissemination and occasional civil discourse. I'm at a loss to enforce that in a reasonable fashion, so I can't stop you from doing what you do, but, for what it's worth, I can plead with you yet again to respect those wishes: please go away. For better or for worse, we just don't get along, even when we're trying, and I'm getting very tired of trying.
...and I'd like for you to just once note how asinine some of the comments you made on the old SP were. Spelling corrections (amongst other things) for fucks sake. It happened more than than once and you know it.
There's not a thing I posted then that I wouldn't post now, and I stand by it. The fact is that you flew off the handle and decided to yell at me for pointing out what I felt to be an amusing occasional typo. If you didn't see the humour, that's fine, but I don't think it bothered Nathan much, if at all, so I think you are the one who was being incredibly unreasonable back then.
Fine, I'm gone. I hope no one ever disagrees with you again and it damages your fragile psyche.
I hope that everyone is nice to you all the time about everything.
I won't even read your posts on SP2.0.
How's that for community.
Glad you could handle comments so well. Fucking bravo.
Oh, and Craig... You're "wii-tarded"
I hate little avatar generators like those because I always come out looking so generic.
I hate little avatar generators like those because I always come out looking so generic.
I submit to you that it is not the generator that is at fault. :-)
On the plus side, you don't really need avatar generators, since, as you've mentioned in the past, any given set of pre-made avatars usually has you in it already.
It's just a little depressing when 3/5 times or so, clicking the "Reset To Default" button on these things usually results in a perfect "Mii". Bah!
Oh, and Craig... You're "wii-tarded"
Thanks Mike. I can honestly say that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
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